КТП Английский язык 11 класс ОГН
Calendar Thematic Plan for grade 11
11.1.1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups
11.1.5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives ;
11.1.6 organise and present information clearly to others;
11.1.8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion
11.2.1 understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics
11.2. 2 understand specific information and detail in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics
КТП Английский язык 11 класс ОГН
- Скачано: 39
- Дата релиза: 09-05-2023
- Предмет: Английский язык
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